Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finally a Catholic in.......

Some of you may know that our son Dominick is in a Private Catholic school. Last year I tried my hardest to become friends or at least aquaintances with the other moms in his class. The harder I tried the more I felt left out and like a leper in this group. I was too young, I'm not catholic, I didn't grow up around here, my husband doesn't own his own business, I don't have a masters degree in anything, so on and so forth! I was devastated and it was really hard completing my volunteer hours because I felt so out of place.

Well this is a new year and the Kindergarten class is a combined class from last year. So the morning and afternoon pre-K classes are now one K class. One of the mom's decided to have a moms night out and get everyone together to get to know each other. I was very hesitant to attend because I didn't want to be sitting around with a bunch of women and feel invisible. I went anyway, trying to have a positive attitude, and had a wonderful time. Most of the women that showed up were moms from last years afternoon program, so I hadn't met them before, and they were so warm and welcoming. No one judged me for my differences and I had several people asking about my religion (as you all know it isn't well known here). It was a completely different experience from last year and I am thankful that I made myself go and that it turned out so well! I just wanted to share..........


Gretchen said...

Oh what? They loved you to pieces just like I do? No surprise.
Now quit dating other women ;)

Jeni said...

glad you had a good time. I love Gretchen's comment...that's right quit dating other women. :)

Cherisa said...

Good for you! It's tough to get over some of those negative experiences. We all feel like outsiders at one time or another, though. I'm glad they were able to see what a fun person you are!

And kudos for keeping up with the posts!