Monday, May 4, 2009


All of the pictures of the building process are on my mom's camera, but here are the pictures of the first eruption! 

The crowd, pleasantly waiting and excited

Here we go........

wow, look how much there is

It was a good evening watching our volcano erupt! Great job Dominick and Daddy!

1 comment:

The Wethington's said...

I so remember doing that when I was a kid! Good stuff. I wish buying a new car would solve my problem lol. I remember promising my dad if he bought me my mustang I would keep it clean...and then rushing to clean it out every Friday because he would check it. We bought my car new a few years ago and I only managed to keep it clean for maybe a month. It's almost paid off now and Tarren wants it and said I could get my "stinkin Tahoe" but my dad owns the car lot and he again said I have to promise to keep it clean...I'll work on the issue for a few months and see how it goes. ;)